Yes, scrapped vehicles can be used to make fuel. After dismantling scrapped cars will generate various wastes like plastics, rubber, metals, glass, liquids, electronic components, etc. In the context of scrapped vehicles, pyrolysis can be applied to recover valuable resources from the various materials.
For Tires: Tires are the largest rubber component in cars. Pyrolysis can be used to break down rubber tires into oil, steel wire, and carbon black. The oil obtained can be used as a heating fuel in industrial factories.
Plastics: Many vehicle components, such as bumpers and interior parts, are made of plastics. These plastics can be also made into useful fuel oil through pyrolysis technology.
Liquids: engine oil, gasoline, diesel, these used oils can be further processed by our distillation process.
Electronic waste: modern cars contain a large number of electronic components, like electronic control units also can be processed by pyrolysis plant.
Disassembled waste cars can not only produce alternative fuels or other energy products but also create economic benefits. Huayin has 30 years of experience with used tires, plastic, and oil sludge pyrolysis plants, please feel free to contact us!